Collective Statement on Public Education
Reclaiming Public Education For All
In a world facing social fragmentation, harmful inequities, and environmental deterioration, we need quality, transformative, inclusive public education now more than ever. As our political systems struggle to resist autocracy and to foster democracy, free public education can help create a well-informed public with the capacity to address these global challenges.
The public supports public education, and public education works.
Free, quality, inclusive, public education is a human right. Over recent decades, the global community has undertaken the unprecedented endeavour of providing public education to the world’s two billion learners, and creating large-scale, adaptive systems of learning. The State is the duty bearer for public education, obligated to realise the right to education for all learners. This requires States to fulfil and expand their central role.
Only States have the capacity to address the current enormous educational inequities across gender, race/ethnicity/origin, social class, disability, and many other forms of exclusion. Moreover, the conception of “quality” in education must extend beyond workforce creation and attaining narrow learning metrics. Education technology must not displace teachers and depersonalise learning, nor supplant free, quality, public education provided in school settings. Instead, quality education must address broader human rights objectives, including the full development of the human personality, and foster skills for learners to meet today’s global challenges as informed and active citizens.
The project of ensuring universal and equal education opportunity is at risk due to the rising role of private actors in education. Extensive evidence across countries shows that privatisation of and in education does not improve quality and access, but diminishes education equity, in contravention of human rights law, U.N. Sustainable Development Goal 4, and often, national legislation. The logic of education privatisation and commodification includes specific elements (standardisation, profitability, autonomy, and deregulation) that result in the exclusion and segregation of certain learners, including persons with disabilities. We oppose education privatisation because it runs counter to the vision of equality, not only for low-income and marginalised communities, but for everyone, impeding social cohesion.
Public education suffers from egregious underfunding. UNESCO estimated an annual financing gap of almost $100 billion in education in 2023. Funding shortfalls stem from tax injustice, aid conditionalities, austerity, and other issues described as “50 Years of Failure,” marking a half century of using neoliberal economic policies in and through international aid. We call for international finance institutions to shift away from austerity and debt, and instead deliver equitable investment in education. At the same time, we oppose diverting scarce public resources to support private actors through entry into public-private partnerships. International finance institutions must not fund K-12 private schools.
Over the past decade, members of the Privatisation in Education and Human Rights Consortium (PEHRC) have worked together to advance the understanding and implementation of the human right to free, inclusive, quality public education, oppose the privatisation of education, and hold governments and institutions to account for their obligations to realise the right to education. As a group of civil society organisations, the Consortium refutes the vision of education as an individual good within inequitable systems where learners born into wealthy families benefit at the expense of learners born into low income families, and where education providers reap considerable profits to the detriment of universal, high quality education for all learners.
Instead, we, the undersigned, call on States to realise the human right to free, inclusive quality public education for all learners, throughout life. We believe that the future of human society depends on our collective commitment to public education. We, the undersigned organisations, movements, and individuals, call on everyone, especially States, to protect against private actors supplanting the public interest and to fulfil the human right to quality, publicly well-funded, free public education.
Specifically, we call for action in five key areas:
- Prioritise the public. We call on all education actors to prioritise the provision of quality, public, inclusive, free education for all. As described in the Our Future is Public manifesto, we call on States to prioritise the public sector in general.
- Robustly fund public education. Governments should achieve the minimum benchmark recommended during the Transforming Education Summit of allocating 6% of GDP and 20% of public expenditure to education to realise the right to education and teachers’ labour rights and well-being—as well as taking national and global action on tax, debt, and austerity as recommended in the TES Call to Action on Financing.
- Stop funding education privatisation. States, development finance institutions, investors, funders, and intermediaries should ensure their funding does not support private, particularly, commercial/for-profit education. Such programs often exacerbate segregation and discrimination, erode free education, dilute curricula, fail to meet minimum quality standards, and reduce democratic oversight. Public funds should exclusively fund public education.
- Regulate and enforce regulations on private actors. States must regulate private actors, in particular to avoid conflicts of interest by private actors shaping regulatory processes that govern their activities. States must invest in enforcing laws already in existence and develop new, strong regulation to protect the right to education.
- A narrative change. Despite well-funded public relations campaigns claiming that education privatisation solves problems that the State cannot fix, evidence shows otherwise. We call for a change in the narrative that instead highlights the successes of public education. Public education works when it receives suitable support from States. The public supports public education across the world.
Please sign the statement and join us in the process of advocating for States to realise the full potential of public education. Our future depends on it!
Join the movement
Sign the statement and join us in the process of advocating for States to realise the full potential of public education. Our future depends on it!
Institutional Endorsements
Organisation name | Country |
“All for Education!” National Civil Society Coalition | Mongolia |
Action Contre la Pauvreté, ACP | Burundi |
Action de Développement Communautaire ” ADC ” en sigle | Burundi |
Action Education | France |
ActionAid | Global |
Afghanistan Economic Extensions Studies Organization | Afghanistan |
African Campaign Network for Education for All (ANCEFA) | Africa |
Agenda Ciudadana por la Educación y Derechos Humanos | Costa Rica |
Albanian Coalition for Education (ACE) | Albania |
Alliance Globale Pour l’Education et le Développement (AGEDE) | Niger |
Arab Campaign for Education for All (ACEA) | Middle East |
Arab Network for Literacy and Adult Education | Other |
Arab Network Popular Education | Middle East |
Asia South Pacific Association For Basic And Education (ASPBAE) | Asia |
Asociación Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia (Argentina) | Argentina |
Asosyasyon Kiltirèl SOKIJA (AKS) | Haiti |
Association pour la Défense et la Promotion des Droits Humains et le Développement Familial, ADDHF-DUKUNDANE | Burundi |
Avante-Educação e Mobilização Social | Brazil |
Brazilian Campaign for the Right to Education | Brazil |
Brigade pour L’Éducation et le Développement Durable | Latin America and the Caribbean |
Campaña Argentina por el Derecho a la Educación (CADE) | Argentina |
Centre de Recherche et d’ Action Pour le Developpement (CRAD) | Haiti |
Centre for Transparency and Accountability Liberia | Liberia |
Centro de Cultura Luiz Freire (CCLF) | Brazil |
Centro de Estudios y apoyo Al desarrollo Local | Bolivia |
Centro de Inovação para a Excelência das Políticas Públicas | Brazil |
CESIP – Centro de Estudios Sociales y Publicaciones | Peru |
Civil Society Network for Education Reforms (E-Net) Inc. | Philippines |
Coalición Colombiana por el Derecho a la Educación | Colombia |
Coalición Panameña por el Derecho a la Educación | Panama |
Coalition Education (France) | France |
coalition nationale de Madagascar pour EPT/CONAMEPT | Madagascar |
Coalition pour l’Education Pour Tous “BAFASHEBIGE” | Burundi |
Colectivo de Educacion para Todas y Todos de Guatemala | Guatemala |
Colectivo de Género, Acción y Política | Ecuador |
Col·lectiu d’Escoles contra la Segregació (Catalonia) | Spain |
Contrato Social por la Educación | Ecuador |
Corporate Accountability and Public Participation Africa (CAPPA) | Nigeria |
CRCA/ECPAT Albania | Albania |
East African Centre for Human Rights (EACHRights) | Kenya |
Education for All Coalition – Sierra Leone | Sierra Leone |
Education International | Global |
Equal Education Law Centre | South Africa |
Eurodad | Global |
Euskal Eskola Publikoaren Aldeko Plataforma | Spain |
Foro Dakar-Honduras | Honduras |
Foro Educativo | Peru |
FUD SUD-KIVU | Congo {Democratic Rep} |
FUD SUD-KIVU | Congo {Democratic Rep} |
Fundación Luis Felipe Vélez Escuela para la Vida | Colombia |
Fundación SES | Argentina |
Global Campaign for Education | Global |
Global Campaign for Education – US | United States |
Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (GI-ESCR) | Global |
Global Students Forum | Global |
Initiative for Social & Economic Rights (ISER) | Uganda |
Internationale de l’Education Afrique | Ghana |
Latin American Campaign for the Right to Education (CLADE) | Latin America |
Marcha Global contra el Trabajo Infantil – Sudamérica | Latin America and the Caribbean |
Mayst Marcos de Sousa Santos Sousa Santos | Brazil |
MenaFem Movement | Morocco |
MenaFem Movement for Economic Development and Ecological Justice | Oceania |
Miroir Vagabond asbl | Belgium |
MJL mouvman Jèn Latibonit | Haiti |
Moroccan Lifelong learning Forum | Morocco |
Mouvement Ivoirien des Droits Humains (MIDH) | Cóte d’Ivoire |
Mouvman Jèn Latibonit | Haiti |
Movimento VIDA SHOPPING NO BRASIL | Brazil |
National Campaign for Education Nepal | Nepal |
Nora González Chacón | Costa Rica |
Norwegian Students’ and Academics’ International Assistance Fund – SAIH | Norway |
OBESSU | Europe |
OHAP | Haiti |
OMEP Costa Rica | Costa Rica |
OMEP Venezuela | Venezuela |
Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF/FEESO) | Canada |
Oxfam | Global |
PCOCBMD | Haiti |
Professor Emivaldo Aires da Silva | Brazil |
Public Education Exchange. (PEX) | Canada |
Public Services International | Global |
Red de Educación Ciudadana Infantil – RECI | Chile |
Red de Educación Popular entre Mujeres REPEM | Latin America and the Caribbean |
Red Estrado Nodo Colombia | Colombia |
Red Regional por la Educación Inclusiva de Latinoamerica | Latin America and the Caribbean |
Regroupement Education Pour Toutes et.Tous ( REPT) | Haiti |
Réseau Ivoirien pour la Promotion de l’Education Pour Tous (RIP-EPT) | Cóte d’Ivoire |
Results UK | United Kingdom |
Rete degli Studenti Medi | Italy |
Rezo Òganizasyon Nòdwès | Haiti |
Right to Education Initiative (RTE) | United Kingdom |
RTE Forum, India | India |
Send My Friend to School Coalition | United Kingdom |
Share The World’s Resources (STWR) | United Kingdom |
Solidarité Laïque | France |
Support Our Students Alberta | Canada |
Syndicat National des Agents de la Formation et de l’Education du Niger (SYNAFEN) | Niger |
The Alternatives Project | Global |
Trabalhadores e Trabalhadoras na Luta Socialista – TLS | Brazil |
Union démocratique des enseignantes et enseignants du Sénégal (UDEN) | Senegal |
Unión Nacional de Educadores (UNE) | Ecuador |
Unión Sindical de directivos Docentes de la Educación | Colombia |
Education Alert International | Uganda |
EducaTIC | Mali |
Association d’Aide à l’Education de l’Enfant Handicapé ( AAEEH) | France |
African Law Foundation ( AFRILAW) | Nigeria |
Public Services International | France |
ONG EVEIL-CI | Ivory Coast |
Alternative à la privatisation de l’école publique APEP | Belgium |
Alternative à la privatisation de l’école publique APEP | Belgium |
Comité syndical francophone de l’éducation et de la formation (CSFEF) | Global |
Femmes Unies pour le Développement “FUD SUD-KIVU” | Congo {Democratic Rep} |
FUD SUD-KIVU | Congo {Democratic Rep} |
eduCoop | France |
SNAT | Swaziland |
ONG AJAD (Aide à la Jeunesse Africaine Défavorisée) | Africa |
Instituto Privado Urbano Mixto Liberacion | Guatemala |
World Organization for Early Childhood Education (OMEP) | Global |
Individual Endorsements
Name | Occupation / Institution | Country |
Albin Keuc | Parent | Slovenia |
Alejandro Caravaca | PhD researcher | Spain |
Alice Beste | Education advocacy | United Kingdom |
Allan de Oliveira de Matos | Professor | Brazil |
Analisa Zorzi | Professor Universidade Federal de Pelotas | Brazil |
Andressa Pellanda | General Coordinator of the Brazilian Campaign for the Right to Education, popular educator, PhD in Sciences | Brazil |
Andreu Termes | Academic | Spain |
Angela Azevedo | Teacher | Brazil |
Anwar Tlili | Academic | United Kingdom |
Arturo Portilla Valdivia | Directivo de CEDER Centro de Estudios para el Desarrollo Regional – Arequipa | Peru |
Ashina Mtsumi | Human Rights Advocate | Kenya |
asia juma | teacher | Uganda |
Balbona Alfredo Carlos | Empleado | Argentina |
Bárbara Silva | Activist , Advocate, teacher, parent, citizen | Canada |
Bernat Ferrer | Parent | Spain |
Berta María Espinosa Vásquez | Educadora de Párvulos | Chile |
Brent Edwards | Professor | United States |
Camilla Croso | Brazil | |
Camilla Croso | CSO Network | Brazil |
Carmen Alcívar | Psicopedagoga | Ecuador |
Carmen Carrasco | Coordinadora del proyecto educativo del consorcio CEMSE-ACLO | Bolivia |
Carol Anne Spreen | Academic | United States |
Christian Ubilla | Coordinador de Campaña | Ecuador |
Claudel CHOISY | Maître Formateur | Haiti |
Cláudia E. Silva | Secretaria da Educação SP | Brazil |
Danica Bijeljac | France | |
Daniel Naiff da Fonseca | Promotor de Justiça/ Ministério Público de Goiás | Brazil |
Daniel Sartori Borges | Professor | Brazil |
Dr Tania de St Croix | Academic | United Kingdom |
Dr. Frank Adamson | Professor | United States |
Dr. Maria Ron Balsera | United Kingdom | |
Dr. Min B Bista | Professor | Nepal |
Dr. Sara Black | Lecturer in Education and Society, King’s College London | Global |
Dr. Tusiime Ram | Teacher, Education Alert International | Uganda |
Ee-Seul Yoon | Academic | Canada |
Elaine Unterhalter | Academic/UCL | United Kingdom |
Eleanor Rosenbach | Communications manager | United Kingdom |
Eliana Yong Medeiros | corretora de seguros | Brazil |
Ellen Bees | Teacher and parent | Canada |
Emilie Venner | Parent and worker at SOS Children Villages | France |
Erika Martins | Researcher / ULisboa | Portugal |
Erika Moreira Martins | Researcher, University of Lisbon | Portugal |
Farwa Sial | Academic/Actvist | United Kingdom |
Federico Fernandez | Jounalist | Philippines |
Fernando Cãssio | Assistant Professor – University of São Paulo | Brazil |
fevziye sayılan | | Turkey |
FM Boaz WARUKU | ANCEFA | Kenya |
Francesco Devoti | Student | Italy |
Francisco Fidel Rojas Luján | Docente | Peru |
Gabriela Arrunátegui | Especialista en género CLADE | Peru |
Georgia M | Communications Assistant | United Kingdom |
Gerson Masanori Tanaka | Brazil | |
Gilson dos Santos | Teacher | Brazil |
Giovanna Modé Magalhães | Researcher | Brazil |
Giuseppe Lipari | PhD Student / Scuola Normale Superiore, Florence | Italy |
Gloria Patricia Figueroa Ovalle | Docente | Colombia |
Gustavo E Fischman | Professor | Argentina |
Hanita Simard | Parent, citizen | Canada |
Hannah Frisch | Education Advocacy Officer | United Kingdom |
Heather Ganshorn | Parent of kids in public school, community member | Canada |
Helen Murray | Lecturer in Education Policy, King’s College London | United Kingdom |
HENRY Hélène | enseignante retraitée- engagée à la Ligue des droits de l’homme | France |
ian wheatley | Parent | Canada |
Igor Magalhães Queiroz | Education consultant | Brazil |
Ildney Cavalcanti | Professor / UFAL | Brazil |
Iliana Lo Priore | Académica y sociedad civil | Venezuela |
Iliana Lo Priori | Academic | Venezuela |
ISAAC OMONDI | Teacher | Kenya |
J Getfield | Parent and Professor | Canada |
Javier Alliaume Molfino | Teacher, Academic, Consultan | Uruguay |
Jay Procktor | Teacher | Canada |
Jean Fritz BEAUBRUN | Community member | Haiti |
Jean Marie Ansion Mallet | University | Peru |
Jennifer Burgess | Parent | Canada |
Jhonatan Almada | Professor | Brazil |
Jhonatan Almada | Professor e Diretor do CIEPP | Brazil |
João Carlos Bacelar Batista | Congressman | Brazil |
João Carlos Bacelar Batista | Agente político | Brazil |
Joao Luiz Horta Neto | Goverment | Brazil |
Joel Samoff | Retired Adjunct Professor, Stanford University | United States |
Josenir de Araújo Calixto | Professor | Brazil |
Juan carlos Balderas Gamarra | Director ONG de Derechos humanos | Bolivia |
K M Enamul Hoque | Development Practitioner | Bangladesh |
Karuna Parajuli | Lawyer | Nepal |
Kate Mallory | Student | United States |
Khadija Abdous | Morocco | |
Khadija Yamllahi | Coalition marocaine de l’éducation pour tous | Morocco |
Lara Pérez | PhD researcher | Spain |
Larry Kuehn | Retired education researcher | Canada |
Laura Rosier | Parent of children who benefited from public education! | United Kingdom |
Lauren Stark | Education Professor | Canada |
Lays Ushirobira | Brazil | |
Linda Oduor-Noah | Policy advisor | Kenya |
Louisa Coléus | Student | Haiti |
Luís António Malheiro Meneses do Vale | Professor ar the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra | Portugal |
Lynsey Robinson | Higher Education | United Kingdom |
Madina Mohamed | Civil Society Organisation | Kenya |
Manjuma Akhtar Mousumi | Academic | Bangladesh |
Manjuma Akhtar Mousumi | University | Bangladesh |
Manuel | Asoxciado a Tarea y Foro Educativo | Peru |
Manuel Bello | Asesor educativo, CIDE – Colegio José Antonio Encinas | Peru |
Marcela Browne | activist | Argentina |
Margarita Martínez García | Docencia | Mexico |
Maria Balarin | Researcher / Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRADE) | Peru |
Maria Del Carmen Ayes | Activist | Honduras |
María Elena Urbano Dorado | Miembro Organización de Sociedad Civil | Colombia |
María José La Rota Aguilera | Universidad de Barcelona | Spain |
Mariana Martins | Pesquisadora | Brazil |
Marie Bernadine Jeudy | Militante féministe, membre de la SOFA, Pr de Sciences sociales | Haiti |
Marie Madeleine Pierre | Education | Haiti |
Martin P.J. Edwardes | Retired | United Kingdom |
Mathias Urban | Professor, Desmond Chair of Early Childhood Education, Dublin City University | Ireland {Republic} |
Mathias Urban | Professor, Desmond Chair of Early Childhood Education | Ireland {Republic} |
Matilde | studente | Italy |
Md Shariful Alam | Development professional | Bangladesh |
Michelle Mason | Parent, teacher, tax payer | Canada |
Mikel Egibar | NGO | Spain |
Min B Bista | Professor | Nepal |
MOHAMED MEDIOUNI | Inspecteur en orientation de l’éducation | Morocco |
Moira Mackenzie | Retired teacher | Canada |
Nanre Nafziger | Assistant Professor | Canada |
Nélida Céspedes | CEAAL Perú | Peru |
Orlando Pulido Chaves | Academic | Colombia |
Patricia Pinasco | Retired Teacher | Argentina |
Patrick Camilo Lopes | Estudante | Brazil |
Pierre BREZOT | teacher | France |
Prof.ekbal elsamaloty | Secretary General for Arab Network for Literacy and Adult Education | Egypt |
Rafael Espinal-Meza | MA student, University of Maryland | Peru |
Rafael Pabón | Academic and comunity member Inclusion education | Colombia |
Ricardo Rolim Xavier | Auxiliar de serviços gerais no comércio | Brazil |
Richard Chinn | Teacher Educator King’s College London | United Kingdom |
Rita Zozzoli | Teacher | Brazil |
Rui da Silva | Academia/parent | Global |
Rut Kuitca | Jubilada | Argentina |
Ruth Thornton | Student | United Kingdom |
Sahera Ramzan | Civil society advocacy officer – tuberculosis | United Kingdom |
Samantha Hawkins | Social Impact Leadership Coach | United Kingdom |
Sangeeta Kamat | Professor | United States |
Sérgio Araújo | Teacher | Brazil |
Shanta Amdurer | Teacher | United Kingdom |
Soraya de Oliveira Pires e Silva | Professora rede pública municipal | Brazil |
Steven Klees | Professor/University of Maryland | United States |
Sue Winton | Professor | Canada |
Terri Biasini | Administrative Assistant | Canada |
Thais Iervolino | coordinadora de comunicación de la CLADE | Brazil |
Theresa Adrião | Teacher and Researcher in educational policy | Brazil |
Thibaut Lauwerier | France | |
Tomás Neira Iturrieta | Ministry of Education | Chile |
Vernor Muñoz | Ex Relator Especial de la ONU sobre el derecho a la educación | Costa Rica |
Veronika | Vice President – Curtin Student Guild | Australia |
Vidya Shah | Associate Professor | Canada |
Wahid Jubran Hamad | Education Consultant | Palestine |
Walker Vizcarra Gaibor | Servidor Público en Ministerio de Educación | Ecuador |
Washington Viscarra | Docente jubilado | Ecuador |
William C. Smith | Academic | United Kingdom |
William Thelusmond | Activist | Haiti |
Zain Ul Abidin | Community Outreach Coordinator / University of Glasgow | United Kingdom |
Zsuzsanna Nyitray | Human Rights Advocate | Hungary |
تهاني جميل بغدادي | Lebanon | |
تهاني جميل بغدادي | الائتلاف التربوي اللبناني | Lebanon |
صادق حسن عبدالله حسن | Teacher | Yemen |
emma | student | Italy |
Sofía Riaño | Student | United Kingdom |
Oluwakemi Oluwasegun | Volunteer grassroots campaigner | United Kingdom |
Enrico Zocchi | Academic | Italy |
omar zaid elkilani | studente | Italy |
Nektarios Stellakis | Associate Professor | Greece |
Leigh O’Brien | academic (retired) | United States |
ANAS ABO SAADA | EDU | United Arab Emirates |
Corena | Special Education Needs | Antigua & Deps |
Paolo | Student | Italy |
Yeliz Inci | Student | France |
Ugo Ziccarelli | Student | France |
HENRY Hélène | enseignante retraitée, membre de la Ligue des Droits de l’Homme | France |
وسيلة حمودة | عضوة بجمعية | Tunisia |
Michael Gibbons | academic | United States |
Jisun Jeong | Faculty | United States |
Terence Ngwa | Professor, American University School of Education | United States |
Elizabeth Worden | Associate Porfessor, American Univ | United States |
Rebeca Armstrong | Master’s Student, Erasmus Mundus (Choreomundus) | Ireland {Republic} |
Yeliz Inci | Student | France |
Daniel Watson | Social Worker | Canada |
Nafhan MacLean | Teacher | Canada |
Pamela Rogers | University of Ottawa | Canada |
VERBIEST | Education | Belgium |
Dr Arif Naveed | Associate Professor of Education, University of Bath, UK | United Kingdom |
Mario Novelli | University of Sussex | United Kingdom |
Abdul Rasheed | Student | Pakistan |
Hamane TOURE | Enseignant, défenseur des droits humains | Mali |
Marina Mata | Master’s Student | Spain |
Shamna Abdul Kareem | Student | India |
Christopher Thornton | Retired academic | United Kingdom |
Lynn Marston | Parent | United Kingdom |
Annica Auer | Germany | |
Manuela Beste | Retired Teacher and Headteacher | United Kingdom |
Pagiel Joshua Chetty | Writer for Teach2Reach | South Africa |